Page 48 - Hoftex Annual Report 2018 EN
P. 48

Letter to Shareholders
Supervisory Board Report
Group Management Report Consolidated Financial Statements Annexes
(27) Other taxes
2018 2017
Property tax -581 -585 Motor vehicle tax -15 -18
Other taxes
- in Germany -73 -100
- in the US -20 -140
- in China -51 -144 -42 -282
Wage taxes and VAT from tax audit -30 8
(28) Auditors’ fees
-770 -877
  Our Munich-based auditors Deloitte GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft charged fees totalling
  EUR 344 thousand (prior year: EUR 335 thousand). The following table provides a breakdown of the fees:
2018 2017
        Auditing services 205 189 Other certification services 30 27 Tax consultancy services 74 112 Other services             35 7
 (29) Remuneration of the Supervisory Board and Management Board
344                             335
The provisions of Section 314 no. 6a HGB in conjunction with section 286(4) HGB apply with respect to the nondisclosure of the total remuneration paid to members of the Management Board.
The remuneration of the Supervisory Board members amounts to EUR 90 thousand (prior year: EUR 89 thousand).
Remuneration paid to former members of the Management Board and their survivors amounts to EUR 332 thousand (prior year: EUR 382 thousand). Provisions totalling EUR 3,309 thousand (prior year: EUR 3,509 thousand) have been recognised for pension obligations to former members of the Management Board and their survivors.
(30) Consolidated cash flow statement
The cash and cash equivalents disclosed here comprise highly liquid funds. The consolidated cash flow statement is compiled using the indirect method. Starting with the consolidated net income for the year, we use significant non-cash expenses and income and changes in the net current assets to determine the cash inflows from operating activities. The statement records cash outflows from investment and financing activities as well. Due to changes in consolidated companies the consoli- dated balance sheet is only comparable with the cash flow statement to a limited extent.

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