Page 11 - Annual Report 2019
P. 11

Supervisory Board Report
                                                                                         Group Management Report
                                                                                  Consolidated Financial Statements

               2.2.  Sector trends
               Contrary to expectations, the business climate in the textile and apparel industry further worsened.
               Total sales in the German textile and apparel sector (for companies with 50 employees or more)
               were EUR 16.8 billion in 2019. The market report published by the “textile + mode” trade association
               once again revised revenues down by -3.2% (prior year: -1.9%):

                                   Sales             Employment               Export

                                                                             +2.5 %
                                                        -2.2 %
                                   -3.2 %

               Fig. 3: Sales, employment and export trends in the textile and apparel sector in 2019

               The textile segment continued to fall below expectations with a major decline in sales of -4.4% (prior
               year: -0.4%). The prepress areas spinning mill (-12.2%), weaving mill (-6.9%) and finishing (-6.4%)
               along with the home and household textiles (ready-mades -4.2%, carpets -8.4%) sector were
               especially affected. Unlike the previous year, no positive development was observed in any of the
               segments. Following a drop of -5.4% in nonwoven sales, this segment was also unable to recover
               appreciably  this  year  (decline  of  -2.6%).  Technical  textiles  dipped  slightly  into  the  red  in  2019,
               recording a -0.4% drop in sales. Negative development in both segments is largely due to the cooling
               industrial economy, as many textile manufacturers are also suppliers and are highly dependent on
               other sectors like the automotive industry.

               2019 sales trends – textile segments
                -1.0%                -0.2%
                -3.0%                                       -2.6%
                                            -4.2%                     -4.2%
                -5.0%                                                    -40
                                                                             Mio. EUR
               -9.0%                             -8.4%
                                    Compared to 2018 in EUR  Percent
               -15.0%                                                    -120
                       Spinning  Weaving  Finishing  Warp/weft  Ready-mades  Carpets  Cordage  Nonwovens  Technical textiles  Others

               Source: Industry association “textile+ mode”, February 2020 market report
               Fig. 4: 2019 sales trends – textile segments

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