Zur Startseite

Environment and Safety

As an industrial company, resource efficiency is one of our fundamental objectives. This begins when we develop products and processes - conserving resources - working efficiently - optimising our processes - protecting the climate.


Environmental and energy management


The companies of the Hoftex Group have been practicing systematic energy management for years. Thanks to the introduction of a certified energy-management system, we can continuously monitor all processes for energy efficiency, identifying and eliminating any weak points, thereby becoming increasingly energy efficient and thus increasingly energy-saving.  We set standards at all of our German locations with audits under the demanding ISO 50001 standard.


Audits & certifications


Through continuous auditing of our processes and products, we ensure our customers constantly improved quality, reliability and future-driven development. We are certified according to DIN ISO 9001, DIN


Management review


We continuously compile consumption figures for all media and raw materials and evaluate these figures with a view to possible improvements. We set targets for ourselves in order to achieve continuous improvement in our environmental and energy footprint.


Energy-saving measures


We continuously invest in new technologies with which we can manufacture our products more efficiently and with fewer resources.   We are also constantly updating our plant technology with an eye to reducing energy consumption. We make use of the latest technologies, such as e.g. software-supported LED lighting systems, managed compressed-air generation and heat recovery systems.


Research & development


Our continuous product optimisation and new development is geared towards the use of environmentally friendly input materials. At Tenowo, for instance, we have been using recycled and regeneratively produced fibres for years. Worldwide, Tenowo declines to use flame retardants containing halogens or antimony.


Fleet management


Our fleet is constantly renewed through consistent fleet management. For example, we have added an electric car to our fleet, as fuel consumption and CO² emissions are key decision-making criteria for us.


Resource conservation

Thanks to a variety of measures and projects instituted, we have successfully managed to reduce the use of valuable resources.

During the period of 2008-2014, Tenowo achieved the following savings:

-11% Electricity

- 12% Natural Gas

-43% Waste Water

-22% Waste

  • 28.08.2023  Ad hoc announcement

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  • 07.02.2019  Carbonvliesstoff kann auch Kunst sein

    Carbonvliesstoff kann auch Kunst sein

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